About the Author:
Kumar Vishwas Dr Kumar Vishvas is an Indian Youth Icon, whocarriesseveralaspects in his personality. As a celebrated Hindipoet, heis wellknown across the world. He is credited with revivingHindipoetryamong young generation. The tech-savvy younggenerationvalues DrVishvas as their icon. This is evident from thefact thaton oneside, where his online videos have been watchedmillions oftimesby young netizens, on the other hand his officialpage on aleadingSocial Networking website Facebook invitesapproximately 5Millionclicks a month. Besides a poet, he has been recognized as asocialcommunicator,who is known as a straight-forward speaker onsocialissues and asa motivator who ignites young minds withhiscommunicationexpertise. A professor by profession, Dr Vishvasisalso involvedin writing Scripts, Lyrics and Stories for IndianFilmIndustry. Heis the first performing poet of any language acrosstheworld,whose poems in his own voice, have been hosted asCaller-backtuneson all major telecom operators of india. Overall,Dr KumarVishvasis an iconic blend of a Performing Poet, an Author,aSocialCommunicator and a Motivator. Having penned numerous poems and articles, Dr KumarVishvasisknown to be a prominent author of Hindi language. Two ofhisbookshave been published by renowned publishing houses ofIndia.While’Ik Pagli Ladki Ke Bin’ (1996), as a debut collectionfromayoungster, became an apple of eye for readers as wellascritics,his second poetry collection ‘Koi Deewana Kehta Hai'(2007)becamea best-seller. The book created new records in salesvolumein thesucceeding years. It was reported as the highestsellingbookduring events like Delhi Book Fair 2010, and WorldBookFair2011. Best recognized as a poet of Shringar Ras (RomanticGenre),DrKumar Vishvas has been regular columnist withseveralpublications.Besides Hindi-Urdu poems, he has been writingarticlesfor reputedIndian Hindi magazines on a regular basis. Hisexpertiseas awriter has been utilized during severalnon-politicalso